contact us
if you have any questions about the mixes, the radio-stream or bookings,
any kind of feedback, just fill out the form to get in touch with us !
make a donation
keep alive
our mixshows are for promotional use only - not for sale
we are not a distribution or a label - and we don't want to annoy you with awful ads
your donation will help us to cover the server costs to make this all happen
thank you very much !!
good to hear from you
- sound files, graphics and any other content is protected by copyright laws and the respective owners
- all music on this homepage is strictly for promotional use only
- the mixshows and the streams contains only license free music for promotional use
- recording, ripping, copying or publishing of any content is forbidden
- playing the mixshows or the streams as a public perfomance is forbidden and punishable by law
- is a non-profit, non-commercial social club, for members only